2023 AGM Minutes
20230605 South Hull Home & School AGM Minutes
Chloe O’Shaughnessy
Cathy Poch
Melissa Hidic
Nathalie Morgan
Kathleen Emberson
John Zako
Céline Sevigny
Christopher Beauchamp
Vythegi Srithayakumar
Tania Lambert
Lucie Aumond
Brittany Doyle
Eric Landry
Nick Giannakoulis
Brian Rock
Aman Chahal
Deirbhile McDermott
1 Adoption of agenda
Move: Vythegi Srithayakumar
Second: Britanny Doyle
2. Approval of minutes from last AGM
Move: Cathy Poch
Second: Vythegi Srithayakumar
3. Indigenous month
Brian explained the formalization of the month of June to celebrate Indigenous people.
4. Land acknowledgement
Brian mentioned the importance of land acknowledgement before starting all Home and School meetings. Tania Lambert will be consulted to obtain the correct phrasing to use and this will be done before each meeting starting September 2023.
5. Honoring our Departing Volunteers:
Chloe and Cathy wish to acknowledge the active participation and devotion from the following volunteers at South Hull: Tania Lambert and Aman Chahal.
Home and School also acknowledged and thanked Celine Sevigny and Lucie Aumond who will be leaving South Hull at the end of the school year, for their continuous help with Home and School throughout the years.
Home and School also honored two volunteers this year. The Golden Torch Award was given to Melissa Hidic and the Unsung Hero Award was given to Nathalie Morgan.
6. Fundraising Purchasing Approval
The fundraising guidelines were approved by all following a request by Brian Rock to change the order of guidelines to having what is acceptable at the top of the document and what is not acceptable at the bottom of the document.
Proposed by: Cathy Poch
Approved by: All
7. President’s report
Report was read by Chloe and will be filed.
8. QFHSA Update
The AGM for QFHSA took place May 29, 2023. A grant proposal for the interviews conducted with 52 English speaking Quebecers to be translated and transcribed was approved during the AGM and will be sent to the Government of Quebec.
The 8 resolutions were passed.
Brian will follow-up on the Born to Read program.
9. Financials
Cathy gave an update on the Home and School financials.
10. Brown Bag Coffee
Home and School will bring this idea to the upcoming 2023-2024 year.
11. Election of executive members for 2022-2023
The election was presided by: Brian Rock.
Moving of nominations by: Vythegi Srithayakumar
12. Round Table
13. New business
Kathleen confirmed that Home and School purchased a square card reader that will be used for different events led by H&S.
For SummerFest an interactive map was created as well as a QR code.
Eric Landry confirmed that an on-boarding one-pager was sent to new kinders.
A continuation plan for H&S will be put in place next year by Chloe and Eric and other volunteers.
14. Adjournment at 7:30 PM
- Welcome attendees.
Chloe O’Shaughnessy
Cathy Poch
Melissa Hidic
Nathalie Morgan
Kathleen Emberson
John Zako
Céline Sevigny
Christopher Beauchamp
Vythegi Srithayakumar
Tania Lambert
Lucie Aumond
Brittany Doyle
Eric Landry
Nick Giannakoulis
Brian Rock
Aman Chahal
Deirbhile McDermott
1 Adoption of agenda
Move: Vythegi Srithayakumar
Second: Britanny Doyle
2. Approval of minutes from last AGM
Move: Cathy Poch
Second: Vythegi Srithayakumar
3. Indigenous month
Brian explained the formalization of the month of June to celebrate Indigenous people.
4. Land acknowledgement
Brian mentioned the importance of land acknowledgement before starting all Home and School meetings. Tania Lambert will be consulted to obtain the correct phrasing to use and this will be done before each meeting starting September 2023.
5. Honoring our Departing Volunteers:
Chloe and Cathy wish to acknowledge the active participation and devotion from the following volunteers at South Hull: Tania Lambert and Aman Chahal.
Home and School also acknowledged and thanked Celine Sevigny and Lucie Aumond who will be leaving South Hull at the end of the school year, for their continuous help with Home and School throughout the years.
Home and School also honored two volunteers this year. The Golden Torch Award was given to Melissa Hidic and the Unsung Hero Award was given to Nathalie Morgan.
6. Fundraising Purchasing Approval
The fundraising guidelines were approved by all following a request by Brian Rock to change the order of guidelines to having what is acceptable at the top of the document and what is not acceptable at the bottom of the document.
Proposed by: Cathy Poch
Approved by: All
7. President’s report
Report was read by Chloe and will be filed.
8. QFHSA Update
The AGM for QFHSA took place May 29, 2023. A grant proposal for the interviews conducted with 52 English speaking Quebecers to be translated and transcribed was approved during the AGM and will be sent to the Government of Quebec.
The 8 resolutions were passed.
Brian will follow-up on the Born to Read program.
9. Financials
Cathy gave an update on the Home and School financials.
10. Brown Bag Coffee
Home and School will bring this idea to the upcoming 2023-2024 year.
11. Election of executive members for 2022-2023
The election was presided by: Brian Rock.
Moving of nominations by: Vythegi Srithayakumar
- President – Chloe O’Shaughnessy elected
- Nominator: Cathy Poch
- Second: Kathleen Emberson
- Vice-President – Melissa Hidic elected
- Nominator: Chloe O’Shaughnessy
- Second: Vythegi Srithayakumar
- Secretary – John Zako elected
- Nominator: Chloe O’Shaughnessy
- Second: Nathalie Morgan
- Treasurer – Vythegi Srithayakumar elected
- Nominator: Cathy Poch
- Second: Kathleen Emberson
- Communications Chair – Kathleen Emberson elected
- Nominator: Eric Landry
- Second: Nathalie Morgan
- Membership and Volunteer Coordinator – Nathalie Morgan elected
- Nominator: Melissa Hidic
- Second: Brittany Doyle
12. Round Table
13. New business
Kathleen confirmed that Home and School purchased a square card reader that will be used for different events led by H&S.
For SummerFest an interactive map was created as well as a QR code.
Eric Landry confirmed that an on-boarding one-pager was sent to new kinders.
A continuation plan for H&S will be put in place next year by Chloe and Eric and other volunteers.
14. Adjournment at 7:30 PM
- Move: Cathy Poch
- Second: Vythegi Srithayakumar