December 3, 2019 H&S Minutes
- *Note: these minutes were summarized through an audio recording
1. Welcome
Brian Rock
Chloé O'Shaughnessy
Cathy Poch
Leigh-Anne King
Adam Guay
Mark Keeping
Chris Beauchamp
2. Adoption of agenda
Move :
3. Financial Update (Cathy) – *approximates
· Balance is $ 3195, still need to deposit cookie in a jar, Bazaar and Tuques.
· We have earmarked funds $4568, $3000 is for field trip that we will have some returned for.
· We have $5000 of cheques we have to write for subway and winter hats
4. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
· constantly being updated and everyone appreciates it, good job Kathleen
5. Movie Night (Chloe)
· Movie night for January 17th , need Celine to confirm.
6. Holiday Bazaar (Kathleen)
· 21 tales sold ($630)
· Made 300$ of raffle and bake sale, we had a great turnout
· Vendors thought it was good, however because it was on black Friday it impacted vendors
· Total 930$ profit
· We need to take down the bazaar signs
7. Recipe in a jar
· Distribute jars during concerts
8. Sock Fundraiser
· Need minimum of 30 pairs per design, and 6 pairs per size
· Suggestion to order for each design (4): 15 youth, 15 small, 10 medium, 6 large (total 144 pairs). About 1700$ for the socks.
· We buy them for 12 and sell them for 15. Hats and socks can be available at movie nights, summer fest…all events.
· All in favour.
9. QFHSA updates/other (Brian)
· Confirming we had received the newsletter
· School embellishment: 20K reserved for South Hull, we need to raise that equivalent amount to get it
10. Fridge…we bought a fridge
We can serve cold drinks, freezies, easier work for us
11. Offer coffee for Christmas concert,
· keep it at the back of the gym. We could buy coffee, bring cream and offer it for donations to Home and School.
· Donations for coffee, serve themselves
· Chloe will setup afternoon, Ahmed can setup morning coffee
· Make sure we have enough sugar and cream
12. Next Meeting
· January 15th, Wednesday– 6:30 pm