February 12, 2020 H&S Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of agenda
Move : Leigh-Ann
Second: Nick
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
3. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
4. School Gear update
5. QFHSA updates/other (Brian)
7. Teacher appreciation-this Friday
8. Spring Dance
9. Garage Sale
10. Bingo Night
11. Round Table
12. Next Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of agenda
Move : Leigh-Ann
Second: Nick
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
- 5000$ cheque back from insurance- 19000 in bank, after earmarked funds , we have 10,072$ in the account
- Pizza money : 2000$ profit
- Socks: sold 750$ so far
- Subway: 1300$ profit
- Pizza: 1993$ profit
- Recipe in a jar: 1171 $ profit
- Teacher requests
- Kinder team – 1000$ for games for child development
- Brian – Check with Celine how much money is in her budget, since she needs to have no money by end of year
- Ahmed and Chloe – issues with purchasing for a specific grade? Do it through library again?
- Chloe- We should check with Celine is we are okay to approve this, might set a precedence that we do not want.
- We can approve this by email after we chat with Celine.
- Kinder team – 1000$ for games for child development
- Celine – The teachers asked for the maximum…they will provide a list for the purchases and exec will review via email and possibly approve.
- Celine – Teachers would like to have flexible seating, different furniture for the kids to use.
- Maria Terresa-250$ for greenhouse project
- Include Mr. Lamarch’s class.
- Leigh-Ann – this is from the Green fund, this is from a different fundraising and is setup specifically for this.
- Chloe-redirect this to Celine
- Brian-funding deadline for government funds…apparently already passed but no notice was sent to school to inform them. Mike Duggan has funds set aside for schools. Celine mentioned that there was several thousand raised…
- Brianna, we need to know how much we have raised and if we can supplement it from our funds
- Chloe: Need to verify that the deadline for us has passed or not
3. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
- Kathleen: Subway order is open now for people to buy online
- Kathleen: Put up requests for volunteers on pizza lunches
4. School Gear update
- Cathy: Socks and tuques are here, we can decide if we want to purchase a bulk order for clothes.
- Chloe: Would be good to have the shirts for the kinders when they come in for the meet and greet, we can include them with the order we would do.
- Briana: perhaps a survey, we could get a feel for how many and sizes.
- Cathy: We should do an order form and add extras to it
5. QFHSA updates/other (Brian)
- Brian: Regional meeting on Saturday, teacher salary increase was approved.
- AGM Saturday May 2nd at the Marriot near the Trudeau Airport.
- Celine: We submitted multiple tickets for the plug. Someone at the board said they shouldn’t pay for the plug, which is fine but we were not informed of this stop…because we would pay for it (Celine or home & school)
7. Teacher appreciation-this Friday
- Cathy: we have all the timhortons cards, vases for flowers (Leigh-Ann volunteered to get flowers), plates, water, drinks. Shawermas, 4 chicken , 2 beef, 2 veggie trays
- Leigh-Ann taking care of deserts. Going to look at Provigo, instead of M&M because of cost
- Request people to come in on Thursday night to decorate
8. Spring Dance
- March 27th possible day
- Who wants to organize this?
- Chloe, Leigh-Ann, Ahmed (reach out to DJ)
- Dance committee students, Mr. B involved? Email him and figure out what they would do
- Celine: many students wanted to come in and out will cause headaches
- Students should not have electronics, have a photo booth outside
9. Garage Sale
- Kathleen and Ahmed:
10. Bingo Night
- 25$ per person, We make 10$ of the 25$.
- Process: parents buy online or send in cash/cheque. Order before march 27th, we will make envelopes and send tickets to parents…but we will keep a master list.
- This will happen at the bingo night, doors open at 5, bingo starts at 6:45. Individuals show up and get tickets at door, but we do not get any money of that.
- We can sell up to 100 tickets, open to 18+ , can be anyone not just parents.
11. Round Table
12. Next Meeting
- Wednesday, March 11th
- Adjourn: Chloe, Ahmed