January 15, 2020 H&S Meeting
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of agenda
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
4. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
5. Movie Night (Chloe)
6. School Gear update
7. QFHSA updates/other (Brian)
10. Fridge (Cathy)
11. Randell Family (Chloe)
12. Teacher appreciation
13. Round Table
14. Next Meeting
1. Welcome
- Brian Rock
- Ahmed Hassan
- Nick Giannakoulis
- Chloé O'Shaughnessy
- Cathy Poch
- Kathleen Emberson
- Brianna Dolan
- Leigh-Anne King
- Darya Shapka
- Celine Sevigny
- Mark Keeping
- Chris Beauchamp
- John Zako
2. Adoption of agenda
- Move : Cathy
- Second: Leigh Ann
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
- total, after reimbursement from insurance should be at 7000$
- Purchased 72 hats and received 72 hats for free.
4. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
- Updates on meetings, agenda’s, blogs, facebook updates,
5. Movie Night (Chloe)
- Movie night this Friday, can we get it setup before hand? Celine: “yes”
- Need 5 people to help (Chloe, Kathleen, Brianna, + 2 husbands)
- Celine: need to make sure we have people checking washrooms and small gym for kids playing around, can have the check done through the school for free
6. School Gear update
- Mr. Beauchamp will do an infomercial on the school news for school gear. This will be good advertising
- The gear should not take too long to arrive, but if we buy them soon we can get winter gear for winter season
- Will want to do an order for T-shirts for kinders
- Darya: Can we add a page on the journal that the kids have to show the dates and where the information comes from.
- Celine: We pay for each page, we can add information as we like, we could add links for Home and School.
- Ahmed: Can we pull names of people who do online orders for a raffle? Give them their order for free.
- Cathy: We can do it for Subway…purchases online get into a raffle for getting the order for one child free
- Celine: We cannot give free pizza, we do not know about any parents that are short of funds
- Cathy: Sometimes there are kids that cannot have both, perhaps we can share to them.
- A volunteer requested to get pizza for a student for anther class… Celine and Mark both confirmed that it is not allowed to do this.
- Celine: Even if a child is in need we need to ask the parents before hand.
- Chloe: we will look at who donated pizza and we can re-imburse them, since we cannot give food to kids.
- Cathy and Ahmed: can we redirect it to Peggy’s lunch? So instead of pizza donation it is a “lunch donation”?
- Brianna: do we know how much we paid to Peggy’s last year?
- Nick: about 100 $ or so
- Ahmed: whatever we raise, we pay Peggy and the rest can go to Aylmer Food Bank
- Mr. B: need tuques and sock prices
- Kathleen: Because of the way we put the products on the site, we would have to use coupons to keep the prices accurate to also keep track of the inventory.
- Cathy:
Hats: 1 for $20, 2 for $35
Socks: 1 for $12, 2 for $22.
7. QFHSA updates/other (Brian)
- 2 major issues discussed. Minister launched on Friday a consultation, to enforce law 21 by challenging religion in the schools. Getting rid of ethics and religion course, and moving content into sexuality/technology course. Minority schools need to have management and control, but we lost that on history curriculum; the ministry went ahead and did not consult any of the committees…publicity from school board should be directed towards parents so that parents should be pointed to it…and provide some input.
- On Saturday Feb 8th the Regional Council meeting…excellent for getting to know people. Meet other local associations, learn about the events they did. Can register online at Lord Aylmer school
www.lordaylmerhs.ca - Bill-40 : eliminate all school boards in Quebec. Need to do a survey, because we believe that 90 % are opposed to bill-40. This bill puts in jeopardy francophone school boards.
- There would be no representatives (not elected but assigned by minister), at the provincial side.
- School elections in Quebec, less that %5 showed up for elections (with no advertisements). As opposed to 18% in Ontario.
- We would like an opportunity to present the issues to Community and Ethics committee
- Sock Fundraiser (Cathy)
- *Covered under school gear*
- Post about events, an opportunity to share everything that is going on from the school
- Mark: We have 3 sources of media, Twitter, monthly newsletter and website.
- Chris: Need to bring back “shout outs”
- Kathleen to Chris: “I friended you on Facebook”
- Chris to Kathleen: ”Ehhh…I accepted…”
- Group going to science tech museum same day as subday…and what to do with subs? Put them in fridge until they return.
- We need to make sure trips and food days are not conflicting to avoid classes/kids missing their paid pizza/sub.
10. Fridge (Cathy)
- Mark: We have put in another request to have a plug installed…they are swamped right now, I have requests in September that are still open and not looked into. We will follow up as well.
11. Randell Family (Chloe)
- Family with 3 kids, 2 are undergoing cancer treatment. Very active members of the community even through this difficulty. Tried to reach out to help them…but we do not know how.
- Purchasing Provigo gift cards, or st. Hubert gift cards, movie tickets
- There is a go-fund me site and there is good funding going to them, how about a meal service
- Proposed: 500$-Agreed as cash to the family, they decide what to do with it.
All approved. - Ahmed to find a cleaning service and to have them available whenever they call
12. Teacher appreciation
- Teacher appreciation: we did one lunch for one of the days, and we had to bump the lunch to another day. Asked for food donations and ended up with lots of food of them. We could also just use catering. Shawarmas? Lone Star Catering?
- Cathy: Shawarma is cheaper and feeds more people
- Chloe: lets get a group together to organize this…Leigh-Ann
- Headache with parents bringing in things: Organizing who brings what, Tupper wear,
- Valentine’s day week is likely when the teacher appreciation day is, Monday and Tuesday are PD days so best time is Friday/Thursday.
- Decided on February 14th: shawarma, coffee, tea, staff present and deserts.
- Staff present : $150 to 200$
13. Round Table
- Kathleen: Garage sale this spring?
- Chloe: we can do it if someone organizes it
- We sell tables to parents to sell items for school community
- Kathleen: can we do a bingo night?
- Chloe: every year I bring this up! We contact Bingo group, find out available nights, people buy booklets and tickets in advance. We get 50% of the event. Can be sold through website, have to be 18+…friends family neighbours.
- One night run by bingo hall, no minimum.
- Night run by Knights of Columbus is 30 people minimum.
- Chloe: Grade 5, 6 spring dance. March 27th possible day.
14. Next Meeting
- February 12th.
- Adjourn :Cathy, Leigh-Ann