November 20, 2019 H&S Minutes
1. Welcome
Brian Rock
Ahmed Hassan
Chloé O'Shaughnessy
Cathy Poch
Leigh-Anne King
Tania Lambert
Celine Sevigny
Mark Keeping
Chris Beauchamp
2. Adoption of agenda
Move : Cathy
Second: Leigh Anne
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
– *approximates
Cornroast $678
Pizza $2760
Gear order $946
Monster ball $741
Subway $1309
Movie night $600+
Recipe in a jar $846
total 14,000
Chloe – 2 new requests
Grade 4 overnight trip $1000 (2/3rd of cost)
*bus cost is 200 up, but Linda was able to find another at $200 less
Kathy Clein $1569 march 17-18th
Mrs. Marion March $1535
Both teachers will suggest parents donate money to the trips.
Cathy move to approve
All in favor.
4. QFHSA updates/other (Brian
- Brian: some H&S schools said that the money raised by parents is owned by another body other than H&S.
- At a Chelsea H&S meeting, somewhere from school board, sent to the principles sections of education act to deal with schools that have no H&S group. The suggestion was to have large forms for every event, push back that parents are not going to fill those in. Schools can give a receipt, but not a tax deductible receipt.
- Mike Duggan still has 18-20 K reserved for south hull H&S, we need a two week period to raise the funds.
- Playground committee meeting, parent sub-committee group, Thursday November 28
6. Monster Ball (Ahmed)
Great success
7. Movie Night (Chloe)
Chloe: went really well, small issues, ran out of food, sold all the hot dogs, no juice boxes, we played angry birds 1 (not two). One child threw up, but made $680.
8. Holiday Bazaar
touques for sale at bazaar
- Tanya – there are going to be backed goods and coffee and tea, chips as well, we also did kids crafts
- Chloe: We also had a raffle table, we had kids crafts on the same table for sale, also selling hats, Kathleen is in charge of raffle items
- Leigh Anne: there was a thread on facebook for baked goods for spring garage sale, join it for the bazaar and start it up again (to Tanya)
9. School Gear update
New order in Spring, for kinders and other items, staff jackets and zipped hoodies
10. Recipe in a jar
Ends Sunday- easy fundraiser
11. Sock Fundraiser
- Chloe + Cathy: “Hype Socks” run fund raisers similar to our school gear, they are branded sport socks. The more you order the cheaper they are 200-300 pairs we pay $9.25 , so we could sell they for more. Sample is arriving soon
- Revisit in January when we see the sample.
- Earmarked funds in 1 school year that are not spent, they are not rolled over unless they ask.
- Brian: need to have an allocation for the funds in the account, 500$ is fine, more than that should be allocated ahead of time because CRA or Revenue Quebec an audit anyone.
- Someone should take photos of what events and purchases we have so that we have something to show parents, newsletter,
- Chloe: to Celine- can we add another page / space at the end of the newsletter
- Brian: Provincial newsletter, we could put more pictures of the kids/volunteers/events
14. Lucie and Linda
- Cathy: we send them so much stuff to copy, distribute, approve some money to get them something, wine/gift certificate at David’s tea.
- $50 certificate for each.
15. Round Table
- Leigh Anne: Winter Dance?
- Chloe: family spaghetti dinner night with kids, not drop-off.
- We could also do a dance party for the older kids
- Sock-hop dance
16. Next Meeting
Meet and have dinner and socialize, reserve a table at the British and hold it there?
December 3rd, Tuesday – 6:00 pm