November 14, 2022 Minutes
1. Welcome
John Zako
Chris Beauchamp
Ahmad Hassan
Deirbhile McDermott
Chloe O’Shaughnessy
Brian Rock
Missy Hidic
Brittany Doyle
Vy Sri
Cathy Poch
Vandana Kattar
Eric Landry
Kathleen Emberson
Robert Hall
Yvonne McLeod
2. Adoption of agenda
3, Approve of Minutes from previous meeting:
4. QFHSA (Brian):
5. Financial Update (Cathy):
6. Advertising Money Spent (Cathy):
7. Website update (Kathleen):
8. Square POS (Kathleen):
9. Subway, Popcorn and Pizza Days (Cathy):
10. Christmas Tree Fundraiser (Chloe):
11. Brown Bag Coffee Fundraiser (Missy):
12. Cinnibon Fundraiser:
13. Hot Chocolate Bomb Fundraiser:
14. School Gear update (Cathy)
15. Movie Night(Chloe):
16. Bazar
17. Round Table:
18. Next Meeting – December 12th 6pm at the British
John Zako
Chris Beauchamp
Ahmad Hassan
Deirbhile McDermott
Chloe O’Shaughnessy
Brian Rock
Missy Hidic
Brittany Doyle
Vy Sri
Cathy Poch
Vandana Kattar
Eric Landry
Kathleen Emberson
Robert Hall
Yvonne McLeod
2. Adoption of agenda
- Move : Missy
- Second: Ahmad
3, Approve of Minutes from previous meeting:
- Move: Cathy
- Second: Brittany
- Opposition (No)
4. QFHSA (Brian):
- The secretariat has given a grant for the QFHSA for a project that involves interviewing Anglo Quebecers
- The QFHSA has been published and it is online and read pg. 12 and 18
- Guy Rex Rogers produced a documentary film “What we chose to remember” it is about English Quebecers
- The coffee committee of Quebec will be inviting the minister of Education to speak and Mark Miller from indigenous affairs
- There was no fall conference but there will be some activities online and at the schools
5. Financial Update (Cathy):
- The monster ball was a success and brought in $2,748 and less expenses there was a profit of $1,778.
- Mascot has arrived and cost $466.09.
- Lunch boxes have been purchased by Celine and also got the workbooks for those that don’t have them.
- Norma needs a new Bingo game ($111.33) and Poppy stickers ($40) (Kathy and Ahmad move and no against)
- Celine want to purchase Golden ticket draw, purchase 64 tickets for $10 each Total of $640 (Moved by Ahmad no opposition)
6. Advertising Money Spent (Cathy):
- Parent body really needs to see where and how we are spending the money. Going forward we should post a picture on our website to show what we spend money on so the parents can see what is been purchased with the funds.
- Kathleen will be ok if provided a picture with a blurb…Vy Sri will take care of that and send it to Chris to send out a Tweet
- Some home and school have a board at the entrance of the school that shows events and purchases.
7. Website update (Kathleen):
- Not much to update but has been updated
8. Square POS (Kathleen):
- Nothing has happened
9. Subway, Popcorn and Pizza Days (Cathy):
- Nothing to add
10. Christmas Tree Fundraiser (Chloe):
- Kathleen will push it again this year…so far we have raised $160 to date and it is not just trees this year
11. Brown Bag Coffee Fundraiser (Missy):
- We have a choice to do a one large bag or multiple small bags. The large is one type of coffee and the smaller ones are different kinds.
- If we sell a bag for $20 then our profit will be $5.80
- We would make less money on the verity then the single.
- The purchases will be bought through their website and then the purchases will be delivered to the school and we will need to separate them and give it to the classes.
- Deliver before Christmas so we will start by next week.
- Missy will get more info moved to the New Year
12. Cinnibon Fundraiser:
- Will be pushed for later
13. Hot Chocolate Bomb Fundraiser:
- There will be packages for hot chocolate bombs
- All will be done through the seller’s (Jay-Rod) website and he will package it and deliver them to the school
- He also has shortbread cookies
14. School Gear update (Cathy)
- Outstanding orders from the last sale have been sent out
15. Movie Night(Chloe):
- Movie night will be Dec 2
- Parents can stay and free but asked to purchase treats
- If dropping off the kids then $10/child to a max of $25
16. Bazar
- Sell school gear and will need volunteers on Dec 3
- Kids tables for kids from school to sell jewelry
- There are 7 tables registered and only 1 paid.
- There will be a need for volunteers
- Need to reach out to other venders
- Table for parents to purchase crafts done by their kids
- Popcorn table
17. Round Table:
- H&S is a registered charity and have been collecting funds for 75 years so Brian will ask to see how much has been collected to now
18. Next Meeting – December 12th 6pm at the British
- Adjourn: 7:27pm