September 2022 Minutes
1. Welcome
Chris Beauchamp
Ahmed Hassan
Chloe O’Shaughnessy
Cathy Poch
Aman Chahal
Brittany Doyle
Vy Sri
Kathleen Emberson
Eric Landry
John Zako
Nick Giannakoulis
Tania Lambert
Deborah Driver
Deb Shannon
Malissa Hidic
Tuanh Nguyen
José Pombert
Celine Sevigny
Deirbhile McDermott
Juvenal Mudahe
2. Adoption of agenda
3. Volunteer Messenger Page
4. Financial Update (Cathy)
5. Website update (Kathleen)
6. Volunteers to buy apples for Terry Fox Run
7. Halloween Committee (Monsterball)
8. Teacher Requests
9. Fundraising Plans
10. Pizza, Subway &Popcorn Days
11. Movie Night
12. School Gear update (Cathy)
13. Grad Dance
14. Grad Hoodies
15. Christmas Bazar
16. 3D patches
17. Next Meeting
Chris Beauchamp
Ahmed Hassan
Chloe O’Shaughnessy
Cathy Poch
Aman Chahal
Brittany Doyle
Vy Sri
Kathleen Emberson
Eric Landry
John Zako
Nick Giannakoulis
Tania Lambert
Deborah Driver
Deb Shannon
Malissa Hidic
Tuanh Nguyen
José Pombert
Celine Sevigny
Deirbhile McDermott
Juvenal Mudahe
2. Adoption of agenda
- Move: Cathy Poch
- Second: Tania Lambert
- Introductions
- H&S Membership
- H &S participation is done through membership.
- H&S pays fees to a federation
- $25 fee per family
- Get agenda, vote, and opportunity for running for positions in H&S
- You can still participate if you are not a member but will not have a vote
- Link to join is on the website
3. Volunteer Messenger Page
- Over the years we have built a mesenger page on FB and if we need volunteer then we will reach out to individuals that are part of the feed
4. Financial Update (Cathy)
- $10,539 balance must is carry over from last year
- Prices have gone up for Pizza and Subway (Subway had gone up to the point there is not much profit to put back in for the kids)
- Popcorn have not had a day yet.
5. Website update (Kathleen)
- Website is there and up to date
- Google calendar on the web and can be synced to personal calendar by just clicking on it
- FB page is
- Recruiting individuals for Excel, programmer, etc.
6. Volunteers to buy apples for Terry Fox Run
- Oct 7 is Terry Fox run
- Nick G will get the apples for the kids during the run. Orchard in Osgood. Approx. $140-$150 for 400-500 apples.
- We will mark $200 for the apples (approved)
7. Halloween Committee (Monsterball)
- Use to be a huge event for kids and parents. Hire a DJ, have a haunted maze, there are snacks.
- Celine said yes it is possible to have it again but we will need to make sure the capacity will be upheld.
- Friday Oct 28 is the date for the Monsterball
- Vy, Ahmed, Missy, Joesee and Tania will meet to start organizing the party.
8. Teacher Requests
- Mrs. Hamilton initial requested of $90.83 for art supplies from H&S. Request was for $400 (approved)
- Some families are not able to purchase the workbooks so Celine will go purchase them approx. $200 (approved)
9. Fundraising Plans
- Monsterball – October
- Cinnibon – November?
- Bazar and trees - December
10. Pizza, Subway &Popcorn Days
- Set from now till December. Pizza and Subs are going well
- Need to ask parents to follow the order rules set out since it is time consuming for the volunteers to do all the orders.
- There has not been a popcorn day so nothing to add.
11. Movie Night
- There will be food and drinks and maybe an escape room. Parents pay for babysitting service. Separate the kids into 2 age groups. There will be a set fee.
- November would be the best time to do the first movie night.
- Perhaps every 6 weeks.
12. School Gear update (Cathy)
- This is for school spirit and not a money maker.
- The gear shop will be open soon
- Shipment comes to the school and parents will volunteer and pack the items and give to the kids in school.
13. Grad Dance
- Should there be a grad dance at South Hull? Grade six students get a lot for grad and having one would start a tradition to carry forward and the teachers would not attend as they have a lot to do as is.
14. Grad Hoodies
- Would like to have hoodies for the grad kids where there is the school logo and on the back with the grad year with all kids’ signatures.
15. Christmas Bazar
- We can have it this year.
- There has to be at least one staff member (Celine or Chris)
- Rent tables in the large gym to local people
16. 3D patches
- Ahmad will look into this for purchase
17. Next Meeting
- October 17th @6:00pm
- Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm