20190925 H&S Agenda
1. Welcome
First Name
Last Name
2. Adoption of agenda
Move : Cathy
Second: Ahmed
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
$14783.17 – spend funds on
Teacher requests:
Chloe: description to new members of what these requests are for
Brian: 3 Billion $ for school repairs from government
A. first request for library book protection 1125$ for lamination tape. Kathy Klein.
Majority in favour- motion passed
Darya: How much money do we usually spend in the year?
Chloe: this amount is left over from last year and can be spent during the year, along with whatever extra we make this year.
B. Celine: Gift certificates for brag tag draws, 10$ x 8 month = 800$ total for the year
Majority in favour- motion passed
C. Lynne Hamilton: Art Club – 360 $ - markers and other supplies
Majority in favour- motion passed
D. Marie-Theresa – Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 knitting club - $400
Majority in favour- motion passed
Cathy: including the 3000$ for cross-country (earmarked from last year), total is $5700 for the requests so far. Cross Country will be for anyone that wants to join.
4. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
Kathleen/Chloe:-20$ a year for memberships, for family, get to vote during meeting- meet once a month.
Brian: Everyone can attend interested in the education of children.
Kathleen: our website has been updated, payments can be made online for membership, school gear, donating money, Pizza. There has also been huge updates on the facebookpage.
Cathy: we have to write a cheque to QFHSA
Darya: who does this money go to?
Brian: QFHSA, this goes towards books and libraries, 4 year old kinders, Law 21 (law that removes the freedom of religion, cannot wear religious symbols), shortage of teachers, Law 101 (allow only Anglophones to English private and public segeps), school success, community representatives (representatives will have a right to vote) ,there are more items that Quebec federation of schools is involved with/dealing with.
Steve: Tax receipt for donations?
Celine/Chloe/Nick/Brian: anyone that donates over 25$, there needs to be notation on the cheques, can be done.
5. Monster Ball
Chloe: annual tradition, dance party where families come in costume.
-We need a DJ for the night (October 18th is the earliest Friday because of a PD day)-Thursday is out because of activities happening every Thursday night.
-We need to form a sub-committee, anyone interested?
Ahmed: willing to co-chair
Chloe: Will send out an email to everyone so that we can get folks together
Kathleen: I will look into getting volunteers
Chloe: we use both gyms so that we can adhere to fire codes. Separating the grades is difficult, we go with dancing in big gym, maze and concession in small gym, entry was through big gym.
Nick: let’s put an alternate date in case there is a conflict. Thursday the 24th? Or Friday November 1st.
6. Pizza Days (Cathy)
Cathy: off on Fridays, so we need to change pizza places because they cannot supply pizzas on Mondays. Jimmie’s pizza is most expensive, pretty good – 13$ for a large cheese pizza. We order 65 pizzas, so dollars make a difference: 12.65 $ from 1 for 1 pizza. Gabriel (from hull) pizza is 10$ + tax . Lord Aylmer use Gabriel’s pizza,
Pizza Pizza? They have a school discount.
We will try Pizza Pizza first and then Gabriel’s if Pizza Pizza does not work out because of quality.
Rob: are we doing online pizza orders or paper orders?
Kathleen: we are getting people used to online first, since we just got the website.
7. Movie Night
Chloe: popular, usually once a month, there is a streaming service that we pick from and run those movies for the kids. We make money from hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, drinks and some sweets. Also day care services. Usually make $500 an event. From 6:30 to 8:30 for the movie, anyone volunteering needs to have police background checks through the school (required when supervising kids).
We will be putting together a list of these events because governing board has to approve these events, we can add to these events as the year goes on.
8. Holiday Bazaar
Chloe: last year was first year we put this together and it went really well, good community spirit event with many local artists, should we do another and we need to have a date and a committee.
Kathleen: co-chair - I can get vendors and volunteers, but I cannot
Tania: co-chair
Ahmed: co-chair
Chloe: We should not do the same day as lord Aylmer not compete with the same vendors.
Kathleen: November 30th
9. Bike Racks
Cathy: We need bicycle racks, can you (Celine) look into minimum requirements.
Steve: we could get welding program from Pontiac High to build them for us, or used ones from other schools that have extras.
Brian: We could get that from the school
Celine: when streets are done we will have stop sign people and security on the road (narrowed roads).
Brian: Has Home and School bought these before?
Chloe: nope, we will figure out where we can get funding for these.
10. Fundraising
Cathy: 43 or 49$, bed sheets-luxurious, fitted and flat sheet and 2 pillow cases…10$ to H&S for everyone bought
Steve: we used them at Darcy to fund raise and
Chloe: 2 years ago we did chocolate bars, last year we did recipe in a Jar
Cathy: everyone wants to run recipe in a jar?
Majority in favour- motion passed
Chloe: we need someone to do subway days. Forms are online and subway delivers each sandwich in a bag in each class, we just need to be around to distribute them.
• Coffee Fundraiser
Owner now works at daycare here at school: some funds would go towards the school, others would go to doing water filtration for reservations
Brian: get them to join home and school and be in charge of fund raising.
Ahmed: would this be an issue regarding conflict of interest.
• 50 / 50
• Current License is updated
11. QFHSA updates/other
-Coming up subcommittee meeting for school grounds,
-Fall conference: Macdonald highschool – celebrating 100thanniversary for H$S and 75 years as a member of QFHSA
12. Round Table
• Snack cupboard (Ahmed)
Chloe: home and school paid off the cafeteria bill 2018-2019 for kids with no lunches. So if we provide the teachers with a cupboard with food for those kids.
• Fridge
Celine: in our storage room, there is space, we could run either an extension cord or requisition to have a power plug put in there.
• Shelves
-Chloe: newly renovated area for our supplies, so we need shelving…if anyone has shelving to donate that would be appreciated
-Nick: there are some shelves in the custodian area that can be used in that room, they would be taken apart and put back together inside the room. We also need a lock on our door.
13. Next Meeting
• Chloe: pick meeting in October, later on we will do November and December. October 16th works for everyone? Can talk about monster ball.
H&S Agenda
Draft Minutes
Executive: Chole O'Shaughnessy, Nick Giannakoulis, Cathy Poch, Ahmed Hassan, Kathleen Emberson
School: Celine Sevigny, Mark Keeping, Chris Beauchamp, Maria-Teresa Mastrocolo
Brian Rock (QFHSA), Amanda Chahal, Tania Lambert, Jessica Ray, Darya Shapka, Martyne Martimbeault, Robert Hall.
Move : Cathy
Second: Ahmed
Teacher requests:
Chloe: description to new members of what these requests are for
Brian: 3 Billion $ for school repairs from government
A. first request for library book protection 1125$ for lamination tape. Kathy Klein.
Majority in favour- motion passed
Darya: How much money do we usually spend in the year?
Chloe: this amount is left over from last year and can be spent during the year, along with whatever extra we make this year.
B. Celine: Gift certificates for brag tag draws, 10$ x 8 month = 800$ total for the year
Majority in favour- motion passed
C. Lynne Hamilton: Art Club – 360 $ - markers and other supplies
Majority in favour- motion passed
D. Marie-Theresa – Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 knitting club - $400
Majority in favour- motion passed
Cathy: including the 3000$ for cross-country (earmarked from last year), total is $5700 for the requests so far. Cross Country will be for anyone that wants to join.
Brian: Everyone can attend interested in the education of children.
Kathleen: our website has been updated, payments can be made online for membership, school gear, donating money, Pizza. There has also been huge updates on the facebook page.
Cathy: we have to write a cheque to QFHSA
Darya: who does this money go to?
Brian: QFHSA, this goes towards books and libraries, 4 year old kinders, Law 21 (law that removes the freedom of religion, cannot wear religious symbols), shortage of teachers, Law 101 (allow only Anglophones to English private and public segeps), school success, community representatives (representatives will have a right to vote) , there are more items that Quebec federation of schools is involved with/dealing with.
Mark: Tax receipt for donations?
Celine/Chloe/Nick/Brian: anyone that donates over 25$, there needs to be notation on the cheques, can be done.
-We need a DJ for the night (October 18th is the earliest Friday because of a PD day)-Thursday is out because of activities happening every Thursday night.
-We need to form a sub-committee, anyone interested?
Ahmed: willing to co-chair
Chloe: Will send out an email to everyone so that we can get folks together
Kathleen: I will look into getting volunteers
Chloe: we use both gyms so that we can adhere to fire codes. Separating the grades is difficult, we go with dancing in big gym, maze and concession in small gym, entry was through big gym.
Nick: let’s put an alternate date in case there is a conflict. Thursday the 24th? Or Friday November 1st.
Pizza Pizza? They have a school discount.
We will try Pizza Pizza first and then Gabriel’s if Pizza Pizza does not work out because of quality.
Rob: are we doing online pizza orders or paper orders?
Kathleen: we are getting people used to online first, since we just got the website.
We will be putting together a list of these events because governing board has to approve these events, we can add to these events as the year goes on.
Kathleen: co-chair - I can get vendors and volunteers, but I cannot
Tania: co-chair
Ahmed: co-chair
Chloe: We should not do the same day as lord Aylmer not compete with the same vendors.
Kathleen: November 30th
Brian: We could get that from the school
Celine: when streets are done we will have stop sign people and security on the road (narrowed roads).
Brian: Has Home and School bought these before?
Chloe: nope, we will figure out where we can get funding for these.
Mark: we used them at Darcy to fund raise and
Chloe: 2 years ago we did chocolate bars, last year we did recipe in a Jar
Cathy: everyone wants to run recipe in a jar?
Majority in favour- motion passed
Chloe: we need someone to do subway days. Forms are online and subway delivers each sandwich in a bag in each class, we just need to be around to distribute them.
Brian: get them to join home and school and be in charge of fund raising.
Ahmed: would this be an issue regarding conflict of interest.
-Coming up subcommittee meeting for school grounds,
-Fall conference: Macdonald highschool – celebrating 100th anniversary for H$S and 75 years as a member of QFHSA
1. Welcome
First Name
Last Name
2. Adoption of agenda
Move : Cathy
Second: Ahmed
3. Financial Update (Cathy)
$14783.17 – spend funds on
Teacher requests:
Chloe: description to new members of what these requests are for
Brian: 3 Billion $ for school repairs from government
A. first request for library book protection 1125$ for lamination tape. Kathy Klein.
Majority in favour- motion passed
Darya: How much money do we usually spend in the year?
Chloe: this amount is left over from last year and can be spent during the year, along with whatever extra we make this year.
B. Celine: Gift certificates for brag tag draws, 10$ x 8 month = 800$ total for the year
Majority in favour- motion passed
C. Lynne Hamilton: Art Club – 360 $ - markers and other supplies
Majority in favour- motion passed
D. Marie-Theresa – Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 knitting club - $400
Majority in favour- motion passed
Cathy: including the 3000$ for cross-country (earmarked from last year), total is $5700 for the requests so far. Cross Country will be for anyone that wants to join.
4. Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
Kathleen/Chloe:-20$ a year for memberships, for family, get to vote during meeting- meet once a month.
Brian: Everyone can attend interested in the education of children.
Kathleen: our website has been updated, payments can be made online for membership, school gear, donating money, Pizza. There has also been huge updates on the facebookpage.
Cathy: we have to write a cheque to QFHSA
Darya: who does this money go to?
Brian: QFHSA, this goes towards books and libraries, 4 year old kinders, Law 21 (law that removes the freedom of religion, cannot wear religious symbols), shortage of teachers, Law 101 (allow only Anglophones to English private and public segeps), school success, community representatives (representatives will have a right to vote) ,there are more items that Quebec federation of schools is involved with/dealing with.
Steve: Tax receipt for donations?
Celine/Chloe/Nick/Brian: anyone that donates over 25$, there needs to be notation on the cheques, can be done.
5. Monster Ball
Chloe: annual tradition, dance party where families come in costume.
-We need a DJ for the night (October 18th is the earliest Friday because of a PD day)-Thursday is out because of activities happening every Thursday night.
-We need to form a sub-committee, anyone interested?
Ahmed: willing to co-chair
Chloe: Will send out an email to everyone so that we can get folks together
Kathleen: I will look into getting volunteers
Chloe: we use both gyms so that we can adhere to fire codes. Separating the grades is difficult, we go with dancing in big gym, maze and concession in small gym, entry was through big gym.
Nick: let’s put an alternate date in case there is a conflict. Thursday the 24th? Or Friday November 1st.
6. Pizza Days (Cathy)
Cathy: off on Fridays, so we need to change pizza places because they cannot supply pizzas on Mondays. Jimmie’s pizza is most expensive, pretty good – 13$ for a large cheese pizza. We order 65 pizzas, so dollars make a difference: 12.65 $ from 1 for 1 pizza. Gabriel (from hull) pizza is 10$ + tax . Lord Aylmer use Gabriel’s pizza,
Pizza Pizza? They have a school discount.
We will try Pizza Pizza first and then Gabriel’s if Pizza Pizza does not work out because of quality.
Rob: are we doing online pizza orders or paper orders?
Kathleen: we are getting people used to online first, since we just got the website.
7. Movie Night
Chloe: popular, usually once a month, there is a streaming service that we pick from and run those movies for the kids. We make money from hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, drinks and some sweets. Also day care services. Usually make $500 an event. From 6:30 to 8:30 for the movie, anyone volunteering needs to have police background checks through the school (required when supervising kids).
We will be putting together a list of these events because governing board has to approve these events, we can add to these events as the year goes on.
8. Holiday Bazaar
Chloe: last year was first year we put this together and it went really well, good community spirit event with many local artists, should we do another and we need to have a date and a committee.
Kathleen: co-chair - I can get vendors and volunteers, but I cannot
Tania: co-chair
Ahmed: co-chair
Chloe: We should not do the same day as lord Aylmer not compete with the same vendors.
Kathleen: November 30th
9. Bike Racks
Cathy: We need bicycle racks, can you (Celine) look into minimum requirements.
Steve: we could get welding program from Pontiac High to build them for us, or used ones from other schools that have extras.
Brian: We could get that from the school
Celine: when streets are done we will have stop sign people and security on the road (narrowed roads).
Brian: Has Home and School bought these before?
Chloe: nope, we will figure out where we can get funding for these.
10. Fundraising
Cathy: 43 or 49$, bed sheets-luxurious, fitted and flat sheet and 2 pillow cases…10$ to H&S for everyone bought
Steve: we used them at Darcy to fund raise and
Chloe: 2 years ago we did chocolate bars, last year we did recipe in a Jar
Cathy: everyone wants to run recipe in a jar?
Majority in favour- motion passed
Chloe: we need someone to do subway days. Forms are online and subway delivers each sandwich in a bag in each class, we just need to be around to distribute them.
• Coffee Fundraiser
Owner now works at daycare here at school: some funds would go towards the school, others would go to doing water filtration for reservations
Brian: get them to join home and school and be in charge of fund raising.
Ahmed: would this be an issue regarding conflict of interest.
• 50 / 50
• Current License is updated
11. QFHSA updates/other
-Coming up subcommittee meeting for school grounds,
-Fall conference: Macdonald highschool – celebrating 100thanniversary for H$S and 75 years as a member of QFHSA
12. Round Table
• Snack cupboard (Ahmed)
Chloe: home and school paid off the cafeteria bill 2018-2019 for kids with no lunches. So if we provide the teachers with a cupboard with food for those kids.
• Fridge
Celine: in our storage room, there is space, we could run either an extension cord or requisition to have a power plug put in there.
• Shelves
-Chloe: newly renovated area for our supplies, so we need shelving…if anyone has shelving to donate that would be appreciated
-Nick: there are some shelves in the custodian area that can be used in that room, they would be taken apart and put back together inside the room. We also need a lock on our door.
13. Next Meeting
• Chloe: pick meeting in October, later on we will do November and December. October 16th works for everyone? Can talk about monster ball.
H&S Agenda
Draft Minutes
Executive: Chole O'Shaughnessy, Nick Giannakoulis, Cathy Poch, Ahmed Hassan, Kathleen Emberson
School: Celine Sevigny, Mark Keeping, Chris Beauchamp, Maria-Teresa Mastrocolo
Brian Rock (QFHSA), Amanda Chahal, Tania Lambert, Jessica Ray, Darya Shapka, Martyne Martimbeault, Robert Hall.
- Welcome
Move : Cathy
Second: Ahmed
- Financial Update (Cathy)
Teacher requests:
Chloe: description to new members of what these requests are for
Brian: 3 Billion $ for school repairs from government
A. first request for library book protection 1125$ for lamination tape. Kathy Klein.
Majority in favour- motion passed
Darya: How much money do we usually spend in the year?
Chloe: this amount is left over from last year and can be spent during the year, along with whatever extra we make this year.
B. Celine: Gift certificates for brag tag draws, 10$ x 8 month = 800$ total for the year
Majority in favour- motion passed
C. Lynne Hamilton: Art Club – 360 $ - markers and other supplies
Majority in favour- motion passed
D. Marie-Theresa – Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 knitting club - $400
Majority in favour- motion passed
Cathy: including the 3000$ for cross-country (earmarked from last year), total is $5700 for the requests so far. Cross Country will be for anyone that wants to join.
- Website update (Kathleen) and Membership
Brian: Everyone can attend interested in the education of children.
Kathleen: our website has been updated, payments can be made online for membership, school gear, donating money, Pizza. There has also been huge updates on the facebook page.
Cathy: we have to write a cheque to QFHSA
Darya: who does this money go to?
Brian: QFHSA, this goes towards books and libraries, 4 year old kinders, Law 21 (law that removes the freedom of religion, cannot wear religious symbols), shortage of teachers, Law 101 (allow only Anglophones to English private and public segeps), school success, community representatives (representatives will have a right to vote) , there are more items that Quebec federation of schools is involved with/dealing with.
Mark: Tax receipt for donations?
Celine/Chloe/Nick/Brian: anyone that donates over 25$, there needs to be notation on the cheques, can be done.
- Monster Ball
-We need a DJ for the night (October 18th is the earliest Friday because of a PD day)-Thursday is out because of activities happening every Thursday night.
-We need to form a sub-committee, anyone interested?
Ahmed: willing to co-chair
Chloe: Will send out an email to everyone so that we can get folks together
Kathleen: I will look into getting volunteers
Chloe: we use both gyms so that we can adhere to fire codes. Separating the grades is difficult, we go with dancing in big gym, maze and concession in small gym, entry was through big gym.
Nick: let’s put an alternate date in case there is a conflict. Thursday the 24th? Or Friday November 1st.
- Pizza Days (Cathy)
Pizza Pizza? They have a school discount.
We will try Pizza Pizza first and then Gabriel’s if Pizza Pizza does not work out because of quality.
Rob: are we doing online pizza orders or paper orders?
Kathleen: we are getting people used to online first, since we just got the website.
- Movie Night
We will be putting together a list of these events because governing board has to approve these events, we can add to these events as the year goes on.
- Holiday Bazaar
Kathleen: co-chair - I can get vendors and volunteers, but I cannot
Tania: co-chair
Ahmed: co-chair
Chloe: We should not do the same day as lord Aylmer not compete with the same vendors.
Kathleen: November 30th
- Bike Racks
Cathy: We need bicycle racks, can you (Celine) look into minimum requirements.
Brian: We could get that from the school
Celine: when streets are done we will have stop sign people and security on the road (narrowed roads).
Brian: Has Home and School bought these before?
Chloe: nope, we will figure out where we can get funding for these.
- Fundraising
Mark: we used them at Darcy to fund raise and
Chloe: 2 years ago we did chocolate bars, last year we did recipe in a Jar
Cathy: everyone wants to run recipe in a jar?
Majority in favour- motion passed
Chloe: we need someone to do subway days. Forms are online and subway delivers each sandwich in a bag in each class, we just need to be around to distribute them.
- Coffee Fundraiser
Brian: get them to join home and school and be in charge of fund raising.
Ahmed: would this be an issue regarding conflict of interest.
- 50 / 50
- Current License is updated
- QFHSA updates/other
-Coming up subcommittee meeting for school grounds,
-Fall conference: Macdonald highschool – celebrating 100th anniversary for H$S and 75 years as a member of QFHSA
- Round Table
- Snack cupboard (Ahmed)
Chloe: home and school paid off the cafeteria bill 2018-2019 for kids with no lunches. So if we provide the teachers with a cupboard with food for those kids. - Fridge
Celine: in our storage room, there is space, we could run either an extension cord or requisition to have a power plug put in there. - Shelves
-Chloe: newly renovated area for our supplies, so we need shelving…if anyone has shelving to donate that would be appreciated
- Snack cupboard (Ahmed)
- Next Meeting
- Chloe: pick meeting in October, later on we will do November and December. October 16th works for everyone? Can talk about monster ball.